Wie immer im Frühling / like always in springtime
The book is based on a short story text from a diary. It tells an associative story about a woman sitting in
her kitchen, as she notices that there are shadows outside her window. Are there big, black, heavy stones falling in her garden? After a while, she realises they are actually small yellow birds, darting towards the ground to go hunting for food, like always in springtime. Outside in her garden there are bloody organs growing from the ground and the birds gather are collecting the organs. Meanwhile, there is a catman living in the woods. Just like the others, he observes his surroundings; he watches the woman in her kitchen and the birds in her garden at the same time. Like always in springtime, he catches the birds. The woman and the catman never meet inside the drawings, but there is an associative, narrativ connection in between them.
Publisher: rotopolpress
ISBN: 978-3-940304-53-7
Size: 60 Pages/ 29x22 cm/ Offset-Print