Mai 2024
I am very happy that my illustrations for the poetry book "Livestream & Leichen" made it to the linglist of WIA ! in the category publishing.

August 2023
I worked on numerous black-and-white illustrations for "Livestream & Leichen," and the poetry book was finally published in August by Verlagshaus Berlin. Additionally, there is a limited special edition that includes an original two-color screenprint.

September 2022
In september I took place at another designmarket Berlin, selling my screenprints and books!

December 2021
Silent Green Wintermarket took place at 4./ 5. december 2021 in Berlin, where I participated with my screenprints!

August 2021
Reading and talk about Teilchenland, the texts and making of my illustrations, together with the publisher Verlangshaus Berlin (Andrea Schmidt) and the author Caca Savic.

October 2020
In october I had the great opportiunity to have an exhibition, an audivisual reading from my book "Wie immer im Frühling" and to lead a collages workshop as a team with illustartor Carmen José and in collaboration with Rotopolpress.
The workshop took place at Raum 404 . The workshop was mainly about different ways of noticing the things around us, drawing with lines, shapes, negative spaces, finding a story you want to illustrate in collages. At the end of the workshop we bounded individual booklets.

July 2021
At 24 of July I had a very nice and funny live talk to my publisher at Verlangshau Berlin about my artwork and making collages for the lyrics of "Teilchenland". Follow the link to Instagramm to see the video
September 2020
In september 2020 after the first Corona Lockdown we could finally publish our fairy tales project by the Brothers Grimm together with rotopolpress and Märchenwache Schauenburg! Our group of five artists had also a wonderful exhibition and reading there. Enjoy the visual reading of my contribution in the video below:
Animation: Martin Böttger
Oktober 2019
In october 2019 I was invited to illustrate some fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm at Märchenwache Schauenburg, together with some artist friends and my publisher Rotopolpress.
I illustrated the story called DER ZAUNKÖNIG. The book will be released in March 2020 and will be published at Rotopolpress!

17 June 2019
I printed a new multicolour screenprint at STATTlab Berlin...Secret Friends...I will exhibit this lovely piece at Cafe Motte Berlin /
opening: 21.06.2019

10 december 2018
My illustrations, books and printings are part of this years christmas bazaar at the wonderful raum italic in Berlin.
The works will be still available there until january 2019.

4 october 2018
Book Release and exhibition of Fussball, Marx und Tränen 05.10.- 03.11. at gallery Neurotitan Berlin.